Best Of 2022

1. Anthony Covatta
2. Cody Kilpatrick Steele
3. Geoff Knox
4. Danny Simpson
5. Keith Myers
6. Ryan Falrey
7. James Gappy Burney

Arts and Entertainment

Arts and Entertainment
1. Mariah Burks
2. Nicole Sumlin
3. Amanda Terman
4. Kelly Strand
1. Spaces
2. 78th Street Studios
3. Negative Space
4. Pop Shop
5. Kaiser Gallery
6. Hedge Gallery
1. Eileen Dorsey
2. Aaron Sechrist
3. Glen Infante
4. Angela Oster
5. Evan Laisure
1. Cain Park Arts Festival
2. Lakewood Arts Festival
3. Third Fridays at 78th Street Studios
4. Berea Arts Festival
5. FRONT Triennial
1. Cleveland International Film Festival
2. Lakewood Arts Festival
3. Ingenuity Fest
4. Brite Winter
5. Waterloo Arts Festival
1. Oregon Space Trail of Doom
2. The Rosies
3. Apostle Jones
4. Welshly Arms
5. Who Saved Who
1. Cleveland Burlesque
2. Black Mass
3. The Fandom Fantasies
4. (Tie) - Blackwater Cabaret
4. (Tie) - Shrimply The Best
1. Mike Polk Jr.
2. Mary Santora
3. Bill Squire
4. Ricky Smith
5. Jimmie Graham
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