Francis Quinn & Friends attract a lofty stream of musicians at their Monday-night jam sessions of traditional Irish music. Celtic troubadours Gaelic Storm stopped in once, and the Riverdance orchestra sat in a couple times. Even Luke the Clown from the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus lugged his harp to Cleveland to play along. "When he's touring, he stays in town for a week," explains fiddler Quinn. "So he checks the internet to see where the best Irish sessions are." But you don't need to be famous to join in with your tin whistle, accordion, or wooden flute. "I've seen 50 people here; I've seen 2," says Quinn. "There are times when I think, there's not gonna be a soul. Next thing you know, it's packed."
Mondays, 6-9 p.m., 2006