Local Rockers Duo Decibel System to Debut New Piece at Go Factory Show

click to enlarge Local Rockers Duo Decibel System to Debut New Piece at Go Factory Show
Hadley K Conner
The local experimental rock act Duo Decibel System came together a couple of years ago after singer-guitarist Miss Melvis moved back to Cleveland after a stint in Texas.

She recruited John Scully to play drums, and the two have played together as Duo Decibel System ever since, issuing a couple of albums in the process (a new single is due next month).

Despite a recent setback (Miss Melvis had to have surgery on her transverse carpal ligament), the band is back at it. It’s recently finished composing “4, 5, Stx,” a conceptual piece that “musically symbolizes a lifetime in six stages.”

“Each stage is devoted to a specific key, time signature and tempo,” reads a press release about the track. “Duo Decibel System shall be influencing the behavior of the music in their roles as 'Nature' and 'Nurture.'"

At 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at a special show at Go Factory (1935 W. 96th St., 3rd floor), they’ll perform the piece. For the performance, they’ll be accompanied by “a small coterie” of electronics augmented by a trap drum set, guitars, vocals and "a large table loaded with percussion effects."

Hexapod opens the concert, and admission is a $5 donation.