Got to love it when Republicans try to figure out the internets. On some level, they understand that Obama’s use of social networking sites and blogs carried him into the White House. But they fail to understand it’s not the technology itself that wins elections, but how you use it.

For an example of how not to do it, take a gander at State Senator (and gubernatorial candidate) Kevin Coughlin’s new video, “Kevin on reappointment, health care reform proposals and FOCA.” I’m already asleep! Also tellingly Republican is Coughlin’s ham-handed use of mise-en-scene, which Hitchcock used to foreshadow character and events. He apparently hopes viewers will take away that he’s a good Christian (cross in background), a good family man (pictures of daughters), fun at a party (notice guitar casually resting behind him), and that there was no editing involved (clock on piano).

He doesn’t mention recently voting against a bipartisan transportation bill that would create 20,000 new jobs and to extend health care to those who have been laid-off. — James Renner