Reader: Scene Not Fit for Cage-Lining, and Kucinich is a Visionary

An excitable lad over at DailyKos apparently got a look at Scene's cover story this week, "The King of Spin," about young Dennis Kucinich's rise, fall, and re-rise through Cleveland politics. Here's his glowing review: The Scene is a yellow rag that I wouldn't let my birds crap on, for fear the ink would spatter on their delicate parts. The people the author quoted are people who hated Kucinich then, because he challenged the status quo, and they were the status quo Dennis was challenging. I, too, lived here in Cleveland during that time, and I believe Dennis was a visionary. In the end he was vindicated for all of the decisions that folks like Mike Roberts and Brent Larkin (both complete right wingnutted hardcore conservatives, by the way) vilified him for. They probably both lost money while banking on CEI becoming the power monopoly, and lost their bets when Cleveland Public Power was born.