Dozens Fired at Auditor's Office, Ed Fitzgerald Asks for Resignations of all Board of Revision Employees

Dont let the smile fool ya, hes a pit bull.
  • Don't let the smile fool ya', he's a pit bull.

Ed Fitzgerald has fired everyone. Well, not everyone. Just most everyone.

At a press conference today, Fitzgerald announced that 20 employees at the Auditor's office, all hired by Frank Russo, had been fired.

Also, Fitzgerald was to announce that every employee on the county's boards of revision has been asked for their resignation by January 1, 2011, and that those who don't comply will be fired. Consider him committed to distancing the county from the corruption of the last two decades.

According to the PD, which deserves credit for breaking countless stories on the incompetency of the boards of revision:

"Property owners need to know the people on these boards are not connected in any way, shape or form to the scandals," [Fitzgerald] said.


He will announce more firings in coming months, he said, but started with the boards of revision because they have become "compromised beyond repair." No employee will be spared from firing because of their political or family connections, he said.

FitzGerald said board members will continue to hear a backlog of thousands of cases through the end of the year. But they will not be considered for new posts.

So, yeah, if you are a Cuyahoga County employee, Ed Fitzgerald is probably going to fire you.