Opening: Wreck-It-Ralph

This animated movie takes a page out of the playbook by imaging what life is like for a group of characters that live inside arcade-style video games. As soon as the lights go off and the games become silent, guys like Wreck-It Ralph (John C. Reilly) go about their daily lives as if they were human. Ralph, it turns out, isn’t so happy about playing the villain and goes to therapy to assuage his anger. Through a bit of trickery, he escapes into another video game, Sugar Rush, where he meets Vanellope von Schweetz (Sarah Silverman), a “glitch” who, like him, has been treated as an outcast. The two develop a friendship and try to help one another find some kind of redemption despite their outsider status. Kids will love the animation and video game aficionados will appreciate the many pop culture references in this smart, well-directed ’toon.