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Readers sound off on Bishop Lennon

On: "By His Hands," a profile of Bishop Lennon

It has come to pass that Scene carried a cover story running a few pages, and very little of length or substance beyond that. The story was on Richard Lennon, Roman rite Bishop of Cleveland. Richard Lennon rarely grants interviews. It is a wonder why this one now? Clearly, he wanted to present himself in the best light possible. From close observation of Richard Lennon, the bonhomie he displayed to the writer, Sam Allard is invented. Now, i do not know if Allard acted as a stenographer, or whether he was buffaloed, or perhaps it is the rubbish of 'balance', or not being rude to the somewhat rare opportunity [and there are hints that he may have knew with whom he spoke].

I have very few questions, that, I truly want to have Richard Lennon answer:

• Why did you become a priest?

• What do you think is the role of a bishop?

• What is a parish?

The worst, the most insulting, block headed idiocy in these words of Lennon are, "In point of fact, that's a not a parish, that's a drive-through chapel". Also tie this to the picture that he likes being amongst the people. For every instance Lennon, can be found to show that Lennon does not like parishioners, and is often contemptuous of them. Many people love the parish, and the parish community. Some have been there for generations, and have no desire of leaving. It is a good thing that people drive into the old urban neighborhood. In many instances, the parish churches hold the neighborhood from greater disintegration. Staying in the city has become part of the christian mission. People in the suburbs, also drive to suburban churches. Very few walk anywhere. What is it to the car's tires to which road it rolls along? Some even drive to Lennon's cathedral, who lives in that neighborhood? O, the homeless.

In point of fact, Lennon has no idea what a parish is. Lennon does not want to admit Rome found him wrong. Rome found the parishioners right. Rome told Lennon he is not the only Catholic in the diocese.

Stanislav Zadnik