People Don't Like the Cleveland Indians Supporting Spirit Day Standing Up for LGBT Youths

Today is Spirit Day, the annual marker promoted by GLAAD to stand against the bullying of LGBT teens. Folks and companies alike are taking the opportunity to post their support (Purple is the rallying color for awareness, and the Indians are no exception. They posted a short message on the team's Facebook page — as did every professional sports organization — saying simply, "Join MLB as we stand up against bullying and stick up for LGBT youth by going purple for #SpiritDay 10/17. Go purple now:"

You would think that... Nevermind. You can think, so you probably already know that comments under said post were less than an inspiring reminder of the human capacity for compassion. Deadspin covered the hateful reaction to the Atlanta Braves post. Below, some of the high-minded concerns that were voiced by certain ignorant bigots because the Indians don't want LGBT teens bullied.

