Rising Star Coffee Roasters to Open Little Italy Cafe


Kim Jenkins opened his ground-breaking Ohio City roastery and café Rising Star a little over a year and a half ago, and by all accounts he has energized the entire genre. His top-quality coffee is now sold in a number of fine restaurants around town, but the Hingetown hub is still the best place to go for brewed perfection.

That will no longer be the case come spring, when Jenkins opens his second Rising Star café, this one in Little Italy. The 1500-square-foot café will open at the corner of Murray Hill and Edghill roads, in the old home of Theresa's Italian Restaurant, which closed in 1996 after 50 years in business.

"I think the timing's right to open a second café," Jenkins says.

The space already is under construction and should open in April or May. Jenkins doubts that he'll add a roastery to the operation, but admits that plans are still evolving.