Another campaign aimed at legalizing marijuana in Ohio to one degree or another has released its ballot language. In short, Ohioans to End Prohibition (OTEP) is working toward "advancing an open, transparent, free market solution for marijuana and industrial hemp control that emphasizes patients’ rights and public welfare," according to directors.
The group is referring to its product as the Cannabis Control Amendment.
"Any person aged 21 or older, or any corporation, may establish and operate any [commercial marijuana entity], provided they first procure the appropriate [commercial marijuana entity] licenses from [the Division of Marijuana Control," the language states. The Division of Marijuana Control would be a newly created office within the Ohio Department of Commerce and would operate like the Ohio Division of Liquor Control.
The campaign's full amendment language can be seen at their website.
The group must submit its language to Attorney General Mike DeWine, along with 1,000 certified signatures, before moving ahead with the process to land its initiative on the a ballot in 2016. OTEP President Sri Kavuru said the signature-gathering work is beginning today in Cincinnati. Additional public events will be posted on their website.