Ohio State Fair Reopens Today, After a Ride Malfunction Killed One and Injured Seven

An example of the carnival ride that malfunctioned at the Ohio State Fair. - Photo via justinjbuchanan/Instagram
Photo via justinjbuchanan/Instagram
An example of the carnival ride that malfunctioned at the Ohio State Fair.
The Ohio State Fair is open again today, following a tragic incident last night that left one dead and seven more injured.

Currently, all fair rides are shut down for re-inspected and safety tests. But other parts of the fairgrounds are open to the public, and scheduled activities will continue as planned.

A Fire Ball carnival ride malfunctioned yesterday at the fair, killing an 18-year-old. Riders were thrown into the air when the ride began to fall apart. The 18-year-old was thrown 50-feet into the air and killed on impact.

Authorities said three victims seen flying off the ride are in critical condition and the other four are in stable condition, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

Chief Ride Inspector Michael Vartorella, from the Ohio Department of Agriculture, said during a press conference that the Fire Ball ride was inspected three times by state officials before the fair opened.

Gov. John Kasich, who has ordered a full investigation into the incident, also called it "the worst tragedy in the history of the fair," according to the Dispatch.