Stars of the hit series “Outlander” (Caitriona Balfe, Richard Rankin, Colin McFarlane, Duncan Lacroix) and “Teen Wolf” (Tyler Hoechlin, Khylin Rhambo, Ian Bowen, Dylan Sprayberry), classic film The Princess Bride standouts (Cary Elwes, Wallace Shawn) and video game “Overwatch” voice actors (Anjali Bhimani, Benz Antoine, Carolina Ravassa, Chloe Hollings), the “Supergirl” tandem of Mehcad Brooks and Jesse Rath, and Lou Ferrigno (“The Incredible Hulk,” “The King of Queens”) are among the highlights . Thousands of fans will be on hand to celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, comics, cosplay, gaming and more.