Feeling a bit overwhelmed when it comes to picking which movie to see at this year’s Cleveland International Film Festival? How about a movie about movie posters? 24x36: A Movie About Movie Posters explores the history of movie posters and Hollywood industry trends, as well as the alternative, indie movement to keep the artistic tradition of movie posters alive in today’s digital age. The film’s director Kevin Burke will fly in from Toronto for both screenings at Tower City Cinemas, at 9:50 tonight and at 4:45 p.m. on Sunday. Cleveland’s own movie poster expert Matthew Chojnacki (author of Alternative Movie Posters Volumes I & II and founder of 1984 Publishing) is featured in the film and will be in attendance as well. (Usmani)
230 West Huron Rd., 216-623-3456, clevelandfilm.org.