Animated and gregarious comedian Gabriel Iglesias has made quite a name for himself since breaking into the standup scene in 1997. Known for coining the phrase, “I’m not fat, I’m fluffy,” the famous comic loves to poke fun at his weight. His standup is a mixture of personal stories and experiences that he brings to life through parodies and impressions. Iglesias has said that he doesn’t get controversial or political because he prefers telling stories that people can relate to. In addition to standup, Iglesias has lent his voice to several animated features and shows including The Book of Life, Planes, The Nut Job and Family Guy. He can also be seen in Magic Mike and Magic Mike XXL. Iglesias brings his Fluffy Mania World Tour to the State Theatre tonight at 8. Tickets are $35 to $75. (Kaitlin Siegel)