Originally slated for the Ohio City Masonic Temple, this show featuring former Neutral Milk Hotel frontman Jeff Mangum had to be moved to the larger Masonic Auditorium on Euclid Ave. when tickets sold out quickly. Mangum has been on hiatus from performing since the late 1990s and shied away from media exposure ever since. Toward the end of 2011, he reemerged and once again began crooning the songs from his beloved catalog. This show and the several weeks of touring that will follow should highlight the momentum Mangum’s been picking up throughout the past year. Fans will delight in the well-traveled lyrics of one of indie rock’s gentle giants. Indeed, the co-founder of the Elephant 6 collective has maintained an incredible mystique throughout his career. You can expect the esoteric dream to continue tonight at this very special solo acoustic performance. (Eric Sandy)