At 15,000 square feet (and a half acre garden), the Morgan Art of Papermaking Conservatory and Educational Foundation is the largest arts center in America specifically dedicated to every aspect of papermaking, book arts and letterpress printing. Its mulberry garden is the largest of its type in the region specifically dedicated to traditional handmade papermaking. During this weekend’s annual Kozo Harvest, the Morgan hosts a Japanese Papermaking workshop with Radha Pandey today and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The workshop will cover all traditional processes involved with created Japanese-style paper by hand, including: steaming, stripping, scraping, cooking and beating. At the end of the workshop, guests will leave with a stack of beautiful, translucent paper made entirely by hand. During the weekend, guests can participate in the Morgan’s annual Kozo Harvest. The workshop is $215. To register, visit the Morgan’s website or phone ahead. (Usmani)