Pain and Glory, the latest film from writer-director Pedro Almodóvar, finds the veteran Spanish director looking inward for inspiration. The movie centers on Salvador (Antonio Banderas), a filmmaker and writer who has decided to retire. "What will you do?" a friend asks him when she hears of his decision. "Live," he dryly retorts, suggesting the way in which the film will examine how he comes to terms with his past in order to proceed into the future. Anchored by a compelling performance by Banderas, who won the Best Actor award last year when the movie made its international debut at the Cannes Film Festival, Pain and Glory makes for a riveting character study. The movie shows at 7 tonight and at 7:40 tomorrow night at the Cleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque. Tickets cost $10, or $7 for Cinematheque members and students. (Niesel)