Who's Afraid of Edward Said? The Palestinians, Antisemitism and the Culture of Silence
When: Tue., April 10, 7-9 p.m. 2018
The Social Justice Institute of Case Western Reserve University will present "Who's Afraid of Edward Said?" to address the question of why it has proved difficult to speak about the Palestinian people on campus. Ted Steinberg, Professor of History, will speak about his life as a Brooklyn-born Jew, while elaborating on Said’s thoughts about the Palestinian question. Steinberg’s talk will challenge us to think about diversity, equality, and our common humanity in light of what he sees as one of the greatest oppressions in modern history. Brian Amkraut, Executive Director, Siegal Lifelong Learning, will respond and lead a discussion.
Up-and-comer Tori Kelly played to a very enthusiastic crowd last night at House of Blues. The young singer/songwriter, hailing from Wildomar, California,…