And Yet Another Mom Gets a DUI with Kids in the Car


If there's one definite thing you can say about Northeast Ohio, it's that moms here have a startling habit of landing DUIs with their kids riding shotgun. If you're a regular reader of this blog, you have come across many a member of this shamed subset of shitheal. And now, we've come together here today to induct another member to those ranks.

Newsnet5 presents the details. Christina Dixon was driving near Crocker Park in early May when police noticed her car wobbling on the lanes, a course that eventually landed the Elyria mom on the tree lawn.

By now you can probably fill in the rest of the story yourself. When the police approached, they saw Dixon's two young children in the car. After determining the driver was under the influence, she was arrested. The kids' grandmother had to come to the station to get them. In addition to the drunk driving charge, Dixon was also hit for getting behind the wheel with a suspended license.

We've been pondering this brand of lowball crime for awhile now, and we think there needs to be additional punitive juice for the mommy-booze-behind-the-wheel situation. Anyone agree? Can we get a petition going or something?

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