Today's topic: The Plain Dealer's five-part series on Mount Pleasant ...
I was at the coffee shop, and the guys all agree: Mount Pleasant was better back in my day.
Back in my day, everybody was poor, and we didn't write five-part series about it, because we liked it. Which is why we called it Mount Pleasant, not Mount Whiner.
We lived in goat pens that were heated with burning garbage. We didn't have shoes, so we just tied the laces around our bare feet and walked 38 miles to school in the snow. Back in my day, we had real feet, not these feet like they have today. And when we got home, we ate rock soup. You'd put a little ketchup on them, and they tasted better than a steak with a naked broad sitting on it. They weren't like these new rocks, where you put 'em in a microwave and serve 'em with alfredo sauce.
Why, back in my day, we didn't even know anybody named Alfredo. Guys were named Hank or Clarence or Big Jim. And they didn't sit around making sauce all day. They made bridges and piers and carved gargoyles in the cornerstones. The gargoyles in those days were way better than the gargoyles they have today. You'd see 'em downtown at Higbees buying confirmation dresses for their nieces and ....
This has been another deep insight from Dick Feagler. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming...