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Both Schaefer's Instagram page (21.3K followers), and her Facebook page (120K+ likes) are rabidly consumed by locals.
Her employer, the local Fox affiliate, led all local TV stations in social media engagement as well, with a 48-percent market share. NBC affiliate WKYC arrived in second place, with a 27-percent share.
Here are the other top ten individual social media performers, based on market share:
1) Stefani Schaefer, Fox 8
2) Tia Ewing, Cleveland 19
3) Mark Johnson, News Channel 5
4) Kristi Capel, Fox 8
5) Betsy Kling, WKYC
6) Hollie Strango-Giangreco, WKYC
7) Jeff Tanchak, Cleveland 19
8) Jason Nicholas, Cleveland 19
9) Beth McLeod, Cleveland 19
10) Ramona Robinson, Cleveland 19