Johnny Manziel Racks Up 10th Trademark Filing with 'Johnny Cleveland'

Johnny Manziel's company, JMAN2 Enterprises LLC, filed its 10th trademark application recently, this time targeting the phrase "Johnny Cleveland."

U.S. Patent & Trademark Office records show that JMAN2 Enterprises LLC has also filed for:

Johnny Football
The House That Johnny Built
JIIM (this time with what seems like Roman numerals rather than "I"s
MANZIIEL (again, the Roman numeral thing)

...The legal angle here is probably far less interesting angle than Johnny As Clickbait Jesus, though it works nonetheless as an example thereof. 
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Eric Sandy

Eric Sandy is an award-winning Cleveland-based journalist. For a while, he was the managing editor of Scene. He now contributes jam band features every now and then.
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