Jonathon Sawyer Checks In From Aspen

AFAR, a collaborative travel magazine, caught up with renowned Cleveland chef Jonathon Sawyer in Aspen this week, where he's guest-cooking at the St. Regis Chefs Club. He helped curate a seasonal menu for the restaurant, which will carry diners throughout the wintry Colorado months.

He even picked up the friendly vibe of Cleveland thousands of miles away, where fellow Aspen restauranteurs have helped him along his journey.

"I ran out of butcher twine my second day working in Aspen and I ran over here and without blinking an eye these guys gave me six yards of twine. It’s pretty cool to have camaraderie like that even though I definitely don’t speak or dress like an Aspenite."

His quick interview with AFAR also includes this tidy phrase, offered to you here with no context whatsoever:

"...elephant farts, monkey farts, fish farts..."

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Eric Sandy

Eric Sandy is an award-winning Cleveland-based journalist. For a while, he was the managing editor of Scene. He now contributes jam band features every now and then.
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