Letters to the Editor

Letters published May 28, 2003

Foo Fighters Tower City Amphitheater, 351 Canal Road, the Flats 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 27, $27.50 advance/$30 day of show, 216-241-5555.

Club owners should pay the piper:

Having been a bar owner and manager, I understand wanting to fill your club with people [First Punch, April 16]. However, when you book a band (or any service) for a set amount of money, it is customary to pay for the work. If a night isn't turning out how you had hoped, it's not on the band to take a cut in pay.

Mr. Greene and Mr. Miller have been performing for over 30 years. It is because they are pros and usually willing to work with a club, if the night is a bust. They understand the biz. Obviously, if they and many others have to boycott your club, it's because of something you did or didn't do. I've played in bands most of my life, and I've never seen this kind of backlash toward a club.

Mike Miheli
Booking agent and drummer

The Alan Greene Band

Annoying, but necessary:

I'm responding to letters in the May 7 issue by Al Struck and R.J. Schinner. [Both wrote in response to "That Dog Don't Hunt," April 9.]

Both of you are wrong, and it's extremists like you who cause all the trouble (but, in fairness, also alert most of us to an issue). Mr. Struck: Thank God the war in Iraq didn't turn out as badly as we on the left warned. But we were right to get worked up about the risks and the ramifications of this administration's foreign and domestic policies. Few -- if any -- of us ever thought the U.S. wouldn't win the combat. But, my friend, the hard work now begins. We've got a huge task ahead of us, and all of your armchair, flag-waving, self-righteous patriotism isn't going to get us through it all. This war is far from over.

Mr. Schinner: I sympathize with your anger and frustration, but comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany and referring to the police as "armed enforcers of the U.S. empire" isn't going to win friends to your cause, though people are foolish not to consider the warnings about how we address dissent in this country. You both have points to make, but they'd be better absorbed if you'd cut the demonizing and self-righteousness.

The only sane place to be in just about any argument is the middle, where just about everyone can hate you. All I can say is that I'd sure hate to have to live without either my left or my right hand. Thank God for both the conservatives and the liberals.

David Leyava

Many a true word is spoken in jest:

In his May 7 jest, Max Cannon may have broached a salient spiritual verity in spite of himself. His pious character prays for a God-like vision, but when the request is granted, he finds such enlightenment is more than he can handle.

Jesus told his disciples that he could tell them plenty, but they just weren't ready for more revelation. Additional enlightenment would have blown them away.

We say prayers aren't answered when the answer is "no." Maybe we should be glad sometimes for that negative response.

William Dauenhauer

It's not a winner in Eastlake:

I live down the street from the Eastlake stadium ["Money Pit Park," April 30], and I can tell you it's a pain in the ass. Traffic is a pain, when you just want to go two minutes down the street. The place isn't going to make it, and the civilians of Eastlake are going to be stuck with a park that will be nothing but a reminder of how much this city really sucks. The park was a waste of space and money. The mayor can take the ballpark and shove it up his ass.

Tina Kadas

Grownups are gamers too:

Enjoyed Kevin Hoffman's "Clan of the Cave Geek" [May 14]. It's good to see someone acknowledge that "clan" can be spelled with a "C" and refer to something other than demented pyrotechnics in front yards.

I have belonged to an online clan. Though I can identify with a number of the people in your article, I also happen to know that multi-player gaming is very popular among the over-35 crowd, people who are professionals with full schedules. It's much easier to associate with friends from all over the globe in the context of a good game.

Michael Ashbrook

ODH is just one of many:

Sarah Fenske's "Stonewall" [April 23] covered a lot of territory that needed to be exposed. While she only had room to print the tip of the iceberg, the truth is finally out about just one of the agencies that purports to act on our behalf. More articles such as these need to be done. A follow-up to this one, giving the public step-by-step ideas for solutions, is sorely needed. Most people are shocked at stories such as these, but throw their hands up and say, "What can I do?"

We can all educate ourselves more thoroughly when voting time comes, and learn how not to be intimidated by those who attack our credibility when we let the cat out of the bag. Perhaps your readers could send Sarah their ideas for solutions. Printing them would lead to more watchful eyes that will help push the employees who are not doing their jobs at these agencies into early retirement.

I am always impressed with a reporter who researches the facts, and research them she did. Congratulations for a job well done -- and for your hard work, Sarah.

Toni Temple
Parma Heights

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