Liquor Department Apologizes, Good Company Can Keep Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

click to enlarge Liquor Department Apologizes, Good Company Can Keep Gender-Neutral Bathrooms
Courtesy Good Company FB

After a round of media coverage following an order from a liquor permit inspector to label designate its bathrooms by gender, Good Company received an apology from the department and are now allowed to retain their gender-neutral facilities.

The Battery Park restaurant has two bathrooms, which is all the superintendent now says it needs to comply with the law. That is not what an inspector said this past week, when Good Company was asked to designate a men's and women's room under threat of the permit being pulled. Previously, and now, there were simply icons displaying what awaited in each washroom — one with a toilet, another with a toilet and a urinal.

Good Company shared the happy update on Instagram yesterday.

"Jim Canepa the Superintendent of the Liquor Department just called us to personally apologize for the restrooms. He said as far as he sees it we were complying with the law by having two available restrooms. As long as they are labeled as restrooms he doesn’t see the need to assign gender to them. Thank you for everyone’s support!"

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Vince Grzegorek

Vince Grzegorek has been with Scene since 2007 and editor-in-chief since 2012. He previously worked at Discount Drug Mart and Texas Roadhouse.
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