A prospective intern tries on the required office attire for Marc Dann's attorney general's office.
For years, Marc Dann spent his time as a renegade state senator railing hard against his Republican nemeses for their aversion to transparency. When Taft refused to release personal e-mails, citing executive privilege, Dann fought him. When the state wouldn’t hand over investment records relating to the Coingate scandal, citing the protection of trade secrets, Dann pushed for their release.
Even when he was elected Attorney General, his crusade against corruption didn’t seem to slow. In his first 100 days, he bagged on Ken Blackwell’s harem of special counsel, firing nine of them. He sued insurance behemoths for malfeasance, and
he brought Time Warner to its knees with a $175 million settlement for securities-fraud.
But now, as Dann finds himself in the middle of his own scandal, his personal quest for full disclosure appears to have come to an abrupt end. ...