PSA: Updates on Medical Mart and Hilton Hotel to be Provided on Tuesday

Attorney Will Speak at 3 p.m. County Council Committee Meeting

The crane operators are certainly keeping busy at the corner of Ontario and Lakeside these days. And they must, what with the RNC's de facto deadline looming closer with each passing day. The earnest beginnings of the snazzy new downtown Hilton are visible and aspirational. 

And surrounding the hotel framework, the Global Center for Health Innovation and the Cleveland Convention Center are prepping for the Creative Minds in Medicine Conference this weekend. The county's biggest projects are looking more active than ever.

...Which is all outwardly good news, and the public will get updates on the above institutions tomorrow when Jeffrey Appelbaum, the attorney representing the county's interests therein, will speak at Cuyahoga County Council's Committee-of-the-Whole meeting at 3 p.m. There's no word yet on what we should be expecting from the presentations, but anyone who's been watching the fun unfold downtown might want to check in.

We'll be there, distilling the inevitable Powerpoints into easily digestible one-liners — if that's more your speed. 
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Eric Sandy

Eric Sandy is an award-winning Cleveland-based journalist. For a while, he was the managing editor of Scene. He now contributes jam band features every now and then.
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