'The Masked Singer' Comes to Cleveland This Summer, Features Mysterious Local Celebrity

click to enlarge 'The Masked Singer' Comes to Cleveland This Summer, Features Mysterious Local Celebrity
Photo via YouTube
Your grandma's favorite show, The Masked Singer, is getting the live tour treatment this summer, headed to theaters around the country, including one in Cleveland.

Tuesday, June 9, the adapted-for-the-stage event hits the KeyBank State Theatre with two guest "celebrity" judges.

“Audiences can expect to see their favorite characters brought to life on stage, as well as surprise celebrity guests, amazing new performances and a can’t-miss spectacular live show for audiences of all ages,” promoters said in a statement.

Making each tour stop hyper-local, the show is including one city celebrity with each performance, which is sure to keep the audience guessing.

As to which celebrity judges and/or participants from the TV show, if any, are headed out on tour is still unclear.

Tickets are currently on sale and run between $24.75 to $109.50. The show starts at 7 p.m.

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