Tribe: And the award goes to ...

blake.jpg In the last seven days, the Cleveland Indians compiled a depressingly mediocre record of 2-4 despite starting pitching that ranged from slightly better than good (C.C.) to absolutely superb (Aaron Laffey). It’s the offense and the bullpen that sunk to new levels ineptitude. That being said, here at C-Notes we like to stay positive about the Tribe. With that spirit in mind, we’d like to recognize the following three players for contributions they made to the team in the last week. Casey Blake: Last week: .143 BA, .238 SLG, 7 SO, 1 BB, 1 RBI, 2 Errors We originally wanted to congratulate Blake on the apparent success of a recent surgery that replaced his arms with solid blocks of wood, a procedure we thought explained his inexcusably bad defense, multiple errors, and complete inability to swing the bat. ...
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