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Readers sound off on the Cleveland comedy scene and more

On: "We're Gonna Get Your Knives"

I want to thank Sam Allard for writing his article in last week's Scene.  He encapsulated in one article the cause of most of our problems in America today:  the belief that government can save us from ourselves.  His argument recycles the same hackneyed premise regurgitated by talking heads in the media that restrictions on gun ownership will make people safer despite overwhelming evidence that this is not the case.  But let's put that aside for a minute.  No where in this line of reasoning is the true function of the Second Amendment mentioned.  It was not written so that Americans should "sport shoot" or "hunt."  It was meant, as the many letters written by the Founders attest, to deter a runaway government from violently oppressing its citizens.  "But," you may object, "that never happens!"  According to University of Hawaii professor R.J. Rummel who has researched democide, or death by government, governments are responsible for the death of over 260 million people in the 20th century alone. When compared with the World Health Organization's numbers on causes of deaths, democide ranks the fifth deadliest.

The argument that high-caliber, high-capacity weapons were not intended by the Second Amendment because a) current military technology could not be envisioned or b) that only today's un-Constitutional standing army and police should possess these weapons is the exact opposite of the true intention of the Second Amendment which was an insurance policy against government intrusion of our more fundamental rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Jared Denman

On: "Video: Browns Documentary, 1999-2012

This is the most depressing thing I've seen in my 56 years...

Old time Browns fan

On: "The Funny is Everywhere"

Disappointed Cleveland Comedy Festival was brushed over. They have been at Playhouse Square and keep getting bigger by celebrating Cleveland and the entire comedy scene.


How does one write an article about the Cleveland comedy Scene and fail to mention Something Dada even once? Dada has been entertaining audiences and serving as a training ground for up and comers for over 18 years. Although Cabaret Dada may have closed years ago, Something Dada continues to perform to sold-out houses at Beck Center for the Arts in Lakewood.

Russ Stich

On: "A Portrait of the Young Man as a Fugitive."

Tried, convicted and stigmatized by the media...Disgusting to see the low level that the "Justice System" has sunk to, aided and abetted by sleazy TV types who will do anything to get notariety. Due Process is dead in this country, along with the Constitutionally mandated premise of Innocent Until Proven Guilty. I hope this guy nails every one of the 'co-conspirators' involved in this travesty.

The Central Scrutinizer

On: "Joey's Restaurant Coming to Cleveland Heights"

I think there are few good Italian restaurants around. Don't know why. There is more to Italian food than just grabbing a jar of sauce and mixing it with pasta. I'd like to know where there is a good, authentic, classic one which bakes its own bread. Lived in a neighborhood with 2 Italian bakeries on the short street (W.69 off Detroit Ave) and the smell of the yeasty breads baking were out of this world. Isabella's and Fiocca's were awsome, and you don't find that anymore.

Judy Guthrie-Mittelo

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