How to Enlarge your Penis Naturally - Best Penis Stretcher 2022

(100%) percent Natural and Safe Methods for Penis Enlargement up to forty-five (45%) percent

The size does not matter, as they say, however, this is not true. Well, size does matter and can determine the quality of a sexual encounter.

For most men, the size of the penis is almost identical to the size of their manhood. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that size has always been a source of serious insecurity for every man, of every age, of every nationality. There is no man who did not wish to have a few points more in his penis, whatever size this is.

Especially in the United States, penis enlargement is not taboo anymore and has become necessary" for every modern man wishing to improve his sexual status.

How To Make Penis Thicker And Longer Naturally (2022 Update)

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Why is Size so Important?

As already mentioned, the size of the penis is identical to masculinity, manhood, and the dominance of a man.

Men asked to answer questions about the size of their penis expressed a slight or greater embarrassment about it.

Whatever the size of their penis, they admitted that a few points more, would not find them opposed.

Still others stated that the size of their penis is a significant cause of anxiety and stress in their sexual intercourse.

Many experts confirm the fact that the size of the penis might be a source of intense stress for many men.

In fact, men seem to pay much more attention to the size (length and thickness) of their penis than women do.

As many relevant and statistical studies show, many cases of erectile dysfunction seem to have psychogenic causes.

The penis size is such a key factor in stress and intense anxiety that can ultimately affect the erectile performance in a negative way.

A small penis - especially for men worried about their acceptance by their partner and their performance during the sexual act - is another unbearable "psychological" burden making even more difficult to achieve a satisfactory sexual intercourse.

This phenomenon – called by experts "blocking" or "opportunistic failure" - is described as a psychogenic inability to adequately complete sexual intercourse (i.e. to achieve a hard erection of sufficient duration, leading to an orgasm and a proper ejaculation).

Nevertheless, one failure - even if it happened by accident - usually brings the next, the reason being the increase of the stress factor following every failure.

Therefore, it's a vicious circle. One failure brings the next and the next, until the condition from temporary becomes permanent and takes the form of "chronic disease".

Therefore, by correcting such an important stress factor (as penis size), you prevent such a psychedelic state of constant failure, shame, stress, anger and embarrassment.

How does the "Performance Anxiety" work and may lead to Chronic Sexual Problems?

As mentioned, one failure is nearly always the springboard for many more failures.

This is because an unpleasant, awkward, or embarrassing experience is difficult to leave a person's memory.

How much more, a shameful experience related to a man's penis, his sexual performance and his acceptance (or not) by his erotic partner.

Therefore, the next time, in their next sexual contact, the memory of the shame and embarrassment of the past failure returns, creating the so-called "blockage", i.e. an inability to achieve a proper erection for having a complete sexual intercourse.

The result is known, as every time they are going to have sex again, the feeling of excitement and erotic desire is replaced by unpleasant feelings such as fear, panic, shame, insecurity and sadness.

Thus, a perfectly healthy and pleasant situation turns into something very negative, unpleasant and ugly, into something that he will eventually try to avoid so as not to find himself in the same uncomfortable position again.

This is how chronic sexual dysfunction begins.

Do Penis Extenders work?

Yes. Penis extenders are the only method proven to help you increase to such an extent (up to 45%) the size of your penis and in fact one hundred (100%) per cent in a natural way.

No surgery, no pain, no gauzes and recovery period.

In the market, you can find a fairly broad variety of penis extenders.

Certainly, some of them do not meet the safety and quality standards. Therefore, special care is required in selecting a remarkable and reliable extension device, not causing additional damage to your genitals.

By picking up a company with prestige and years of service, you can ensure your own personal safety and prevent injuries.

Our BEST (5) options for making Penis Thicker and Longer Naturally (Penis Extenders) are:

  • Quick Extender Pro (Best natural choice for thicker and longer penis) ⇨ 10/10
  • ProExtender (A device synonymous with safety and comfort) ⇨ 07/10
  • Phallosan Forte Plus (High quality/easy to use) ⇨ 05/10
  • SizeGenetics (Ideal device for penile curvature) ⇨ 4/10
  • Jes Extender (Good device of many men regardless of age) ⇨ 3/10

These penis enlargement devices are based on a very common method, the method of traction.

In fact, even the medical community supports their use, as there are now indisputable clinical data confirming the various benefits provided.

Benefits to penis size. In the shape of the penis. In the psychology of man. In his sexual performance. In his erectile ability. In his ability to satisfy a woman.

The operation of these devices is based on the biology of the male penis. By applying a very low-intensity pull of one point two (1.2) to two point five (2.5) kg to the shaft of the penis, they promote the stretching of the ligaments present at the bottom of the penis.

This method is completely safe (when the device is certainly of high quality and safe) and can achieve an extension of up to ten (10) cm.

After all, even surgery is based on the biology of the male penis. These five (5) to ten (10) centimeters (cm) of penis remaining "hidden" at the bottom of the penis are held in place by these ligaments.

A penis enlargement surgery involves cutting the specific ligaments in order to release these extra centimeters of the penis.

Why should I prefer a Penis Extender instead of a Surgery?

1. I will eliminate the pain.

A penis extender does not involve any pain.

In fact, the new generation of penis enlargement devices are specially designed and manufactured, so that the user does not feel the slightest trace of discomfort or disturbance during the hours forced to wear the device during the day.

2. I will save the recovery period.

No matter how advanced the medical science is and how painless the surgeries are now, a surgery remains a surgery.

An operation requires a period of recovery, requiring attention and a lot of patience.

With extension devices, however, you do not need to put your life on "standby".

3. I will definitely have results.

As paradoxical it may sound - an extension device seems to have more certain results than a surgery.

Here is why.

As already mentioned, penis enlargement surgery involves cutting the ligaments at the base of the penis.

Nevertheless, the body tends to heal the area by creating new tissues (which doctors call "false ligaments").

This new fake ligament tends to pull the penis back in, again hiding those extra points released by the surgery. In other words, restoring the penis to its original shape and to its original size.

On the contrary, a traction device has no room for failure, offering a gradual increase in penis, which is clearly visible.

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Are there any other Penis Enlargement Ways as well (non-invasive) to make penis thicker and longer?

Yes. In addition to penis extenders (penis traction devices), in the market, you can also find creams or pills promoting penis enlargement, as well as penis pumps (pumps).

These are all methods that can help you (some less, others more) to increase the size of your penis, without lying on the operating table.

Pills and creams offer a completely different approach to the subject. The results are not so immediate, and - obviously - not so decisive.

On the contrary, a penis enlargement device (whether a vacuum pump or a traction device) provides "drastic" results.

We mentioned the logic of the traction devices for penis enlargement. However, vacuum pump devices have a completely different function from that of traction devices.

They consist of a cylinder working by sucking air outwards. By inserting the penis into the cylinder - due to the vacuum environment - more blood is pumped into it, thus favoring both its shape and size.

As the penis has found an upright position inside the cylinder, it tightens a ring at its base to keep it bleeding.

Nevertheless, does the Vacuum Pump offer Real Results?

The answer is yes, but unfortunately the results only seem to last as long as the man wears the vacuum pump.

In addition, many men have reported serious injury and tissue damage to the area (especially if they wore the device for more than twenty (20) to thirty (30) minutes.

Can I do Home Exercises to stretch the penis on my own?

Yes. There are special exercises aimed precisely at improving erectile control, better determining the timing of ejaculation and increasing the penis size.

These are called Kegel exercises aimed at men who:

These pelvic exercises are known mainly as exercises aimed at women however, they are equally beneficial for men.

It is true that women are much more familiar with finding specific muscles and applying these exercises compared to men who have some difficulty.

The American Urological Association recommends Kegel exercises for men as a treatment for overactive bladder… in both men and women.

In any case, be careful. These exercises may cause problems for people with a back problem or they had surgery.

In addition, special care is required for the correct application of the exercises, for avoiding relevant injuries.

It is noted that a relevant clinical trial has begun to validate the effectiveness of Kegel exercises; nevertheless, there is still no tangible evidence of these exercises being able to increase the size of the male penis.

In addition to Kegel pelvic floor exercises, there are some special male molecule traction exercises; you can perform on your own at home.

These exercises are based on the same logic (rule of traction) on which they base their function: the penis extenders (traction devices for natural - non-invasive - penis enlargement).

This exercise is even used by many actors in porn movies and is called "Jelqing".

With careful moves, you can stretch the loose penis down, before sexual intercourse.

This procedure creates hyperemia in the area of ​​the penis which gradually enhances its improved erection (hence its final size in a full erection).

Usually, this exercise is recommended for people with erectile dysfunction, finding it difficult to hold their erection long enough to complete sexual intercourse.

Does Masturbation Help Increase Penis Size?

It was mentioned that traction exercises enhance the perspiration of the penis area (and the genitals in general) favoring of the optimal sexual function of the man, as well as the increase of the final penis size.

Therefore, does this also apply to masturbation?

First, let’s clarify that Jelqing exercises do not apply the same movement as masturbation.

Indeed, both Jelqing and masturbation exercises are stretching exercises; that is, stretching exercises for the male penis also enhance its perspiration for achieving a good, hard and straight erection.

The difference, however, lies in the fact that Jelqing exercises are applied to a loose and downward-looking penis, while masturbation involves an erect and raised penis.

There are official scientific studies showing that masturbation can help improve mood, fight stress, and even improve sleep quality.

Nevertheless, can it help increase penis size as well?

Yes. Prostate massage has many benefits.

(Note that the prostate is considered for men as something similar to the G-spot of women.)

It can increase sexual arousal, help achieve a better and stronger erection, and even lead to a more intense orgasm.

A stronger erection, however, also implies a larger final penis size (that is, a size in a full erection).

In addition, according to scientific data, it can significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

According to a university study conducted in 2016, it was found that the risk of prostate cancer was reduced by about 20% in those men who ejaculated at least 5 times a week.

Another piece of advice given by experts is frequent erections.

Do not let long periods of time pass without "lifting" it.

Erections also function to some extent as "gymnastics" of the penile muscles.

Therefore, frequent erections keep your penis "in shape" ensuring its better function (and maximum enlargement in full erection).

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How are Jelqing Exercises performed?

For proper application of Jelqing exercises, the penis should be in a semi-upright position (not loose - not in a full erection).

It helps a lot - before the exercises - to have taken a lukewarm to warm bath to increase the perfusion in the genitals.

Apply the special lubricant on your palm forming a circle with your index finger and thumb.

Then, with this circle formed by your fingers, you apply light pressure to the penis at its base, pulling slowly and carefully the arm forward in a movement lasting from two (2) to three (3) seconds.

Repeat the process for ten (10) minutes (i.e. about fifty (50) repetitions) and three (3) times a week.

At the end of the exercise, wet a towel with lukewarm water and wrap it around your genitals for another ten (10) minutes.

In this way, you relax the penis after the tension created by the exercise massage.

The role of Nutrition in Penis Length

Penis size has nothing to do with your body weight.

Nevertheless, an increased body weight definitely gives no advantage to the size of your penis.

A large layer of fat certainly does not show the true "dimension" of your penis. also depriving you of agility and functionality during sexual intercourse.

In any case, it's not just the role of diet in good sex life and penis size.

As already mentioned many times in our article, a basic condition for a good erectile function but also for a large penis is its proper perspiration.

Good blood circulation through the genitals requires a good diet, rich in powerful antioxidants, to maintain the arteries open, leading the penis to harder erections.

Abuses reduce the size of the penis

Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and even junk food are abuses, eventually leading to sexual dysfunction.

Abuses lead to clogged arteries and poor blood circulation in the body (therefore in the genitals), having an impact on sex life.

They create problems in the sexual arousal and in the sexual performance of the person.

A penis that is not properly stimulated cannot achieve a full erection, looking smaller.

Do Hot Showers help to stretch the penis?

Yes. Another tip, many men apply to achieve a larger size in their penis but also a more impressive erection, are the hot showers before sexual intercourse.

The temperature of the water creates increased perspiration of the genital area, ensuring a temporary, but not negligible increase in the length of the penis.

Can I apply these Techniques in Combination with a Penis Enlargement Device (Penis Extender) ?

Certainly, you can.

The combination of a balanced diet (or the administration of a special dietary supplement) combined with regular physical activity (to maintain a healthy weight) and avoiding abuse definitely leads to a healthier life in general, but also sexually.

In fact, when you select to use (in combination with a healthy life) a reliable and good quality extension device, the sure thing is that you will have tangible benefits.

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How do I apply Penis Extender properly to have Maximum Benefits?

Some basic rules for the most correct and effective application of a penis extender (a penis traction machine) are the following:

  • Take a shower before applying the device and make sure your genitals are clean and completely dry.
  • Shave or trim the hair in the area, so as not to cause irritation or discomfort when applying the device.
  • Follow with absolute respect the instructions for use of the device selected.
  • Do not exceed the application hours recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Do not apply the device in the event of injury to the area or other discomfort.
  • Do not apply the device to an erect penis.
  • In case of pain or discomfort, remove the device immediately.
  • If the pain or discomfort persists, remove the device and visit a specialist.

What Is the Small-Penis Syndrome? Can I fight it?

It sounds scary and it definitely creates a concern.

Therefore, let's explain what exactly the so-called “Small-Penis Syndrome” is and how it affects men's lives.

It is a mental illness, in which the man feels largely "insecure" about the size of his penis and therefore about his manhood.

Attention. The existence of this psychological disease does not necessarily imply the existence of a small penis.

On the contrary, there is a case of a man with a normal size molecule feeling disadvantaged, considering lagging behind other men.

A survey shows that almost 63% of men say they are "unhappy" with the size of their penis (without any of these people having a penis smaller than normal size).

On the other hand, almost 83% of women surveyed said they were completely happy with the size of their partner's penis, proving once again that (for women) size does not play an important role as for men and their psychology.

How big is a "Big" Penis? What is the Normal Size?

A normal penis size - according to scientists – is about:

  • Nine point sixteen (9.16) centimeters (cm) length at rest
  • Thirteen point thirteen centimeters (13.13) (cm) long in erection
  • Nine point thirty two centimeters (9.32) (cm) perimeter at rest
  • Eleven point sixty five (11.65) centimeters (cm) perimeter in erection

Although an overwhelming percentage of men believe (even if they do not admit it) they do not have enough penis size, in fact, only two point twenty-eight (2.28%) per cent (as a relevant study reveals) actually lag significantly behind in size.

According to a statistical survey, the smallest erect penis recorded was five (5) cm, while the largest reached twenty-one (21) cm in erection.

Finally, can I make my Penis Thicker and Longer Naturally?

Men tend to give more attention to the size of the penis than it really deserves.

After all, most men have no real need for extra length, except for psychological purposes.

However, the belief that his penis is inadequate and small (even if this is not true), can lead a man to serious psychological problems, anti-sociality and poor sex life.

Men tend to compare their size with the size of their role models (who are usually porn heroes), so they think they are lagging behind.

Another important reason that men may feel insecure about their size is any failures in sexual intercourse.

Premature ejaculation or an inadequate erection may lead a man to believe that the length, shape, and thickness of his penis are to blame for this failure.

The same is true if a man has received a rejection from his partner, a dispute or a relevant comment about his penis.

It is generally a pity to let a non-existent phobia overwhelm you, especially knowing that nowadays (with the development of science) you can achieve a significant thicker and longer penis, without even having to go into surgery.

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