Various Artists

Rocked-N-Loaded Volume 2 (Rock and Roll Purgatory)

This new comp put out by the folks at Rock and Roll Purgatory comes much closer to heaven than hell for fans of raw, ribald rock. Less than a year after the release of the fine first installment of the series, Volume 2 offers an abundance of prime rockabilly, punk, and garage rock. Highlights include the Cenobites' breakneck thrashabilly ("My Mission"), the GC5's bruising, hello-from-the-gutter headstomp ("Straight Outta Luck"), the Nekromantix's equally funky and feral demon rock ("Horrorscope"), a real ripper from Stepsister ("Get My Way"), and dozens of others. With more than 50 bands spread over two discs, this package is ear-ringing and essential. As is some aspirin right about now.