Cleveland Shut Out of Rock Cities List

Way cooler than you,
  • Way cooler than you,

Seriously — can't we catch a break?

We have the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in our backyard, and there isn't even a spot for Cleveland in a Top 10 Rock Cities list? — which features in-depth articles like "Turn Your Cellphone Into a Wingman Tonight" and "Scarlett Johansson Shuns Chores" — just posted a "Top 10: Rock Cities" list. Cleveland ain't on it.

Rio de Janeiro is. So is Detroit (really?). But no Cleveland.

Los Angeles tops the list, presumably for giving us such kick-ass rockers as Maroon 5 and Ratt.

Our great city is listed in this quote, however: "Rock ‘n’ roll cities are born, they’re not made (sorry Cleveland)."

Um, hey, Stick to what you know, like Celine Dion's uterus. —Michael Gallucci (follow me on Twitter @mgallucci)