Here's What the Muni Lot Looks Like After a Sunday of Tailgating


Ever wonder what happens to that Solo cup you tossed on the ground at 10 a.m. while getting sloppy for a Browns home game? Of course you don't. That's not your problem. That's just where the cup goes once you're done with your Bud Light Lime.

Well, you should know, you inconsiderate litter-bugging ahole, that it joins thousands of others, along with bottles, cans, vomit, general debris, trash, seven or ten comatose bodies, and Bob Golic on the pavement. Not shocking, but to see it all 12 hours after kickoff waiting for some forlorn city workers who must clearly hate their job... it's jarring.

NewsNet5 filmed some of the cleanup circa midnight last night. Video below.