Ohio to Offer 255 Specialty License Plate Designs

Adding some pizzazz to your car will include more options than ever. Governor John Kasich is set to sign a bill into law that will increase the number of specialty license plates to 255 in Ohio

The Governor's John Hancock will add specialty tags for "Nationwide Children's Hospital," "Power Squadron" boating education, and for holders of the Combat Action Ribbon or the Combat Action Badge, according to News Channel 5. Existing slogans include "Celebrate Kids," "Choose Life," "Donate Life," "Share the Road," "Support Our Troops," "Fish Ohio" and "Visit Our Zoos." There are also a plethora of decorative badges to choose from, including those that show support for law enforcement, firefighters, freemasons, scenic rivers, coal and more. 

There are also 58 different plate logos for colleges and universities, with Ohio State University being the most popular. The sale of specialty plates provides funding for university scholarships, research efforts, children's sports leagues, foundations, counseling programs and more. All plates are manufactured by inmates at the Lebanon Correctional Institution. 

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