Ohio Roads Filled with Uninsured Drivers


If you've ever been in a car crash — from minor fender bump to big-time collision — you know once the sirens fade from the air and everyone is okay, the real headache is insurance: who's got it, who doesn't. According to a new shakedown of available car crash data, Ohioans are more likely be driving without the appropriate coverage.

That means law-abiding Citizen Joes and Janes are more likely to get screwed with the bill.

The Columbus Dispatch reports that uninsured folks were responsible for 8,700 auto bang-ups in 2010, the latest crunch-able data around. Statistically, that breaks down to the uninsured responsible for three out of four of the crashes they're in.

Although that's a pretty startling figure, the paper reports crashes involving the uninsured are actually dropping. But the flip side is that the number of people caught without the right law-mandated paperwork has increased.

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