Grape Expectations

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Don't even think about Napa when you head out to this weekend's Vintage Ohio wine celebration at Lake Metroparks Farmpark. It's all about homegrown grapes at this annual favorite. "My most cherished experience is observing a wine snob saying, 'This can't be an Ohio wine,'" recalls Ohio Wine Producers Association rep Donniella Winchell. More than 25 local wineries — including Madison's Debonné Vineyards, Avon Lake's John Christ Winery, and Geneva's Old Firehouse Winery — uncork samples of their best reds, whites, and roses. Also, two dozen area restaurants pair the vino with their tastiest dishes. Be sure to try Ferrante's white and Debonné's pinot gris, both recent award-winners. Says Winchell: "This event transforms skeptics."
Aug. 4-5, 1-10 p.m.
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