Like cicadas emerging from hibernation on cue, local punks the GC5 are back together for one night only, just in time to channel post-election feels through power chords. Known for focusing more on politics than the booze and violence of typical “street punk,” the Mansfield-born band, whose name is short for the Grady Coffee Five, will play its first show in many years. Over the course of its 7-year run from 1996 to 2003, the four-piece released two full lengths (2000’s Kisses from Hanoi and 2002’s Never Bet the Devil Your Head) and numerous EPs amidst hundreds of live performances. Along the way, the GC5 forged a relationship with the Dropkick Murphys that led to Ryan Foltz’s production work on Never Bet the Devil. Tonight, the band plays what might be its last show, surrounded by members of the next CLEpunk generation: FYPM, Queen of Hell, Perverts Again, and Shitbox Jimmy. (Bethany Kaufman)