Average Airfare at Hopkins Airport Has Dropped 20%

Cleveland Hopkins International Airport has a ton of problems, but the cost of airfare ain't one.

Newly released federal data shows the average cost of booking a flight beats both the national average and the cost to fly out of Columbus. In the second quarter of 2015, Cleveland's airfare averaged $371.24. The average cost to fly nationally is $385.11, and to book a flight out of Columbus: $409.27. This drop in cost means the average fair in Cleveland is below Columbus for the first time in 10 years, with average fare dropping 20 percent year-over-year. Yay!

The news is a positive for Hopkins, which was stripped of its United hub over a year ago. The downside is the drop in fares echoes fewer destinations and an even lesser quality experience for travelers, those poor souls who half time the time are busy deciphering signs in magic marker while trying to find their ticket counter.

Average Airfare at Hopkins Airport Has Dropped 20%
via Instagram @jimcooneynyc

Despite not having a United hub and being ranked as the worst mid-sized airport in America, and despite the fact some direct routes continue to be dropped by the major carriers, at least the cost to enjoy the hassle is dipping.

(Hat Tip dispatch.com)
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