Cleveland + Pittsburgh = Cleveburgh?


Those lowly black and gold- brethren to our east may be our mortal enemies, and Clevelanders may never want Ben Roethlisberger anywhere within 500 yards of their daughters, but one economist claims that the Forest City and Pittsburgh should and could tag team for greater regional economic growth.

Writing in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Christopher Briems claims that through geography, shared track records, and common industry, the two cities are already a tightly paired unit. But with greater cooperation and a shared vision, Cleveburgh — with it's combined population of 6 million (4 million in the work force) — could make some tangible progress in reshaping each city and moving them toward economic recovery.

So like the Steelers and Eagles, who once combined forces to form the Steagles, Briem wants Cleveland and Pittsburgh to become blood brothers, metaphorically speaking.

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Vince Grzegorek

Vince Grzegorek has been with Scene since 2007 and editor-in-chief since 2012. He previously worked at Discount Drug Mart and Texas Roadhouse.
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