Congrats, Cleveland: You Just Survived the Third-Cloudiest January in the Last 70 Years

You have to go back to December for the last mostly clear day in Northeast Ohio

click to enlarge There's a city in there somewhere - Erik Drost/FlickrCC
There's a city in there somewhere
We have turned the page to February, and not a moment too soon.

Northeast Ohio just witnessed the third most overcast January since 1951 — 83.6% of the month saw cloud cover in Cleveland —  according to Fox 8's Scott Sabol.

More than three weeks of the month were dominated by mostly cloudy coverage, and the last time we saw a mostly clear day was — checks calendar — way back on Dec. 15.

And recent trends are also not great: The three cloudiest Januaries since 1951 have all happened in the last four years, with 2023 clocking in at the darkest and gloomiest.

As if whatever lingering anxieties you're dealing with aren't bad enough (just ask Elmo how we're all doing), or the existential dread over the latest chapter of media collapse in America, or the war-hungry hellscape that is the world at large, or the acute uneasiness of living in a state controlled by right wingers with a fervent dedication to ignoring the will of voters and doing maximum damage to our most vulnerable neighbors, or the daily fight for food and basic survival — we haven't seen the damn sun in a long time.

Thankfully, that will soon change, with a forecast of at least sunny if not fully sunny skies arriving Friday and lasting through next Thursday.

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Vince Grzegorek

Vince Grzegorek has been with Scene since 2007 and editor-in-chief since 2012. He previously worked at Discount Drug Mart and Texas Roadhouse.
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