Fan Wears Miami Heat LeBron Jersey to Indians Game — Words and Video


By now you probably know that some guy wore a LeBron Miami Heat jersey to the Indians/Yankees game last night.

First, there's no defending the indefensible. Simply put, the guy is an asshole. He knew exactly what was going to happen.

There's perhaps no worse place in America that you could wear a LeBron Heat jersey than the bleachers at Progressive Field during a game against the Yankees. Anywhere else in the stadium and he might not have taken much abuse — sparsely filled sections and families with kids don't really provide the right mix of alcohol and crowd-induced rage to carry an obscene chant. But the bleachers were filled to the brim because of A. Rod's possible 600th home run, and they were filled with the commoners, beer-addled, angry at a lopsided game, and already in midseason form spewing venom at Yankees fans who had invaded The Jake.

It began when the offending party waltzed through the home run plaza. An "asshole" chant broke out immediately.

I was standing on the porch the entire game so I'm not entirely sure what went down when the guy reached his seat in the bleachers, but judging from the events later in the night, it was a lot of the same thing witnessed in the beginning.

Eventually he was escorted out of the stadium by police. Whether this was for fighting, vulgarities, or just being a douche, I have no idea. From the video evidence, it looks like he might not have been sitting in the right seat, or fans weren't letting him sit in the right sit, or he just wanted to try sitting in ten different seats.

I do know that as he was led from the bleachers back to the home run porch and the exit gate, a throng of proud Cleveland fans was right behind him chanting "Fuck LeBron" and "Asshole" the whole way. The crowd gained followers and chanters as they moved section to section and through the porch. Eventually hundreds of fans pressed toward the exit gate as the schmuck was officially removed from the premises, a loud "Asshole" chant echoing into the far reaches of the stadium.

His girlfriend, bedecked in a Grady Sizemore jersey and Indians gear by the way, seemed to be more upset than he was. By the time she was outside, she was in tears and screaming at the cops.

Here are five videos of some of the chanting fun, but first, a word to this fine gentleman: I wouldn't try that at a Browns game. It definitely won't be just some chants then.

Follow me on Twitter: @vincethepolack

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Vince Grzegorek

Vince Grzegorek has been with Scene since 2007 and editor-in-chief since 2012. He previously worked at Discount Drug Mart and Texas Roadhouse.
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