Hey, Why Does Tony Rizzo Want to Fight Callers So Badly?

For fans of Tony Rizzo's "You wanna fight? I'm at Buffalo Wild Wings" rant precipitated by the mere mention of the 0-16 parade a couple weeks ago, the clip below might also prove entertaining. It's from back in November and was posted to YouTube by the ever helpful folks at the Really Big Show subreddit.

It has all the hallmarks and familiar themes you have come to know and love from WKNR's finest product shiller.

The setup: Tyrone calls to ask Rizzo if doctors removed his spine. That, of course, is connected to his opinion of the Browns' passing on Carson Wentz. Uncle Rizzy reacts as any normal broadcaster would by saying, "You wanna see my spine? Come on down, Ty. I'm at the Galleria. I'll show you my spine. You wanna see my spine? I'll show you my spine, smart guy. You calling me a pussy? Come on down. Come on down. Come on down. I'll shove it right up your ass. I don't know who you're calling out, bro, but I'm at the Galleria and I'll be here til one o'clock."

Anyway, honest question: Why does Tony Rizzo want to fight callers so badly?

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Vince Grzegorek

Vince Grzegorek has been with Scene since 2007 and editor-in-chief since 2012. He previously worked at Discount Drug Mart and Texas Roadhouse.
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