Local Shaman Will Help Cleveland Sports Fans Cleanse City's Sports Curse

Local Shaman Will Help Cleveland Sports Fans Cleanse City's Sports Curse
Flickr, Erik Drost
After 51 years of losses, some Cleveland sports fans are getting desperate.

On Aug. 13 at 7 p.m. (just before the Browns' first preseason game against the Washington Redskins), a group of fans led by local psychic medium Andrew Keith will hold a 30-minute rally to attempt to lift the curse that's plagued Cleveland's sports teams.

The gathering will be organized by Dave Grendzynski, a lifelong Cleveland sports fan who's convinced that Cleveland's history of losses have been more than just bad luck.

“For years I have thought that, when it comes to our sports teams, there was a meaner power involved,” said Grendzynski. “But when half of the Cavs’ roster got hurt on the way to the NBA Finals, I was convinced.”

The Indians, Browns and Cavaliers will be each be represented symbolically by some grass, dirt or other item from their home fields. The rally hopes to aid all Cleveland sports teams, so the Gladiators and the Lake Erie Monsters won't be left out.

As is probably ancient tradition for shamanistic rituals, you can help spread the spiritual energy through the power of hashtags. Tweet #ReverseTheCurseCLEVELAND to raise positive vibrations and more than a few eyebrows.

If you're not able to make it to the rally on Mall C and enter "trance-like meditation" with other sports fans, you can gawk from a distance over Periscope.
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