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Readers sound off on The Plain Dealer and Chad Zumock

Better Than Nothing, We Guess

For years the PD has been a poor excuse for a newspaper. ["Can The Plain Dealer Be Saved?"] The writing was sub par. But for Cleveland not to have a daily paper is sad. The city is finally making a turnaround and now this. What major city does not have a daily paper?


Basically the Communist Manifesto

The death of the PD has been literally been the worst-kept secret in Cleveland. My condolences to all the staffers who will lose their jobs, but after their hyper-partisan election coverage this past year, I can't say I will **miss** it. The PD opposed FDR's third term in 1940. And that's about it. If they were ever a Republican paper, it was well before the Newhouse family took control in the 60s. Columnists Dick Feagler and Kevin O'Brien don't count.

Nathan Obral

We're Hiring. Tell Your Friends!

Scene should use this as an opportunity to hire some actual journalists.

Camilo José Villa

Dick Feagler Could Have Solved Everything

T Brain Stealer's been a rag for many years outside of its ability to report and shape local news (think the Dimora/Russo business). If the times dictate the loss of daily print, it will be a combination of the prevalence of online news sources, the PD's sad adherence to the politics of Connie Schultz and PolitiFact (Opino-Fact) Ohio, and its inability to address national and international issues critically in its editorial pages. If the paper sinks, and just as in Bedford, smaller print dailies will inevitably fill the void left by the disappearance of the establishment. The PD died long ago when it lost James Neff and, later on, the great mainstay of Dick Feagler. A pandering rag will never survive, advent of the Internet or no.

Mitch Culver

Stupid Liberal Media

I say it's just deserts. The Plain Dealer has long supported the Democratic party locally and Federally, and the swill offered by pop culture the last 50 years. Cleveland and the Plain Dealer have not groomed or cultivated a generation of thinkers and visionaries who inspire those with the fiscal and monetary means to invest in NEO. Instead they've invested in a "what's in it for me" political party and their supporters. Since the days when Cleveland ran John Rockefeller out of town, we've been circling the toilet bowel. Good riddance to bad rubbish. With any luck, the New York Times won't be far behind your epic failure.


And That Would Be Bad Because...?

Just consider this — without a daily newspaper, Russo and Dimora would still be running Cuyahoga County.


Hypocrisy Lite

Radio station promotes some kind of beer brand every few minutes, yet a simple OVI for one of the on-air folks and he's canned. ["WMMS Fires Chad Zumock After OVI Arrest."] Hard to believe the Home of the Buzzard has become such an uptight corporate entity.


You're Alone on That One

I still like to go back and listen to Parma Style every now and again...


It Is!

I didn't know that WMMS was still around.


Hall or Oates? Hard to Pick

"The Home of the Buzzard" is owned by Clear Channel, this is his second OVI, he's clearly had prior issues with management, and he wrecked a freaking car he was doing local advertising for. And Scene gets the title of "First person ever to 'favor' Chad over Mike Polk."


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