A Chat with Bishop Nasty

Bishop Lennon: The apostles would never vouch for this guy
First Punch exposes Bishop Richard Lennon's nastiness in the documentary Hand of God, about a clergy sexual abuse survivor. It was a disgusting display of clerical arrogance to insult the filmmaker doing exterior shots of the diocesan building where his brother reported his abuse. But, it gives a vivid clue to what Lennon is really like, and therein lies the true benefit. Forget the niceties, as Clevelanders see the unvarnished man. Your readers may be interested in a fuller description of the encounter by Paul Cultrera in a chat session on the Washington Post website. Lennon's comment, "Sir, if you think you're going to make me feel bad about this, you're not," referred to the abuse itself. Then Paul spoke of his work in fundraising for the church - his films helping raise millions of dollars, and the money and soul his parents put into the Church. Whereupon came Lennon's reply, "You have given nothing, your parents have given nothing, it is all in your head sir, you're a sad little man -- sad little man." And this Lennon is supposedly a descendant of the apostles! He is a disgrace to his office and to Catholics everywhere. Please continue to assure he gets that message at every turn. Carolyn Disco Merrimack, NH
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