Concord Casimir, Cleveland's Feline Answer to Punxsutawney Phil, Predicts Spring Weather by Eating Pierogies

The cat calls for flip-flopping weather

click to enlarge Concord Casimir, Cleveland's Feline Answer to Punxsutawney Phil, Predicts Spring Weather by Eating Pierogies
Courtesy John Niedzialek

Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow, Canadian groundhog Fred la Marmotte was found dead just before it was supposed to make its 2023 prediction, and Buckeye Chuck was this year played by a stuffed groundhog after PETA raised concerns about the exotic animal farm that had provided animals for Ohio's prognostication in the past.

The errant forecasts and scandals found elsewhere were absent in Cleveland as Concord Casimir, a cat found outside of St. Casimir Church in 2013, once again made his prediction by eating pierogies.

"Keep your Long Underwear (gacies) and your Shorts (krotkie spodenki) handy in the same drawer," said owner John Niedzialek, an amateur weather guru who teaches Earth Science and Meteorology at Lakeland College, in a release. "Casimir was flipping his pierogi around today during his annual prediction meal and that can mean only one thing: expect a 'flip- flop' end of winter. With Casimir’s forecast last year right on the money predicting all that rain, there should be a movement to rename Feb 2 Concord Casimir Day, says Niedzialek. He is undefeated in his predictions."

Concord Casimir appears every year in February in Concord Township, and fittingly did so this year during Cleveland Pierogi Week.

click to enlarge Concord Casimir, Cleveland's Feline Answer to Punxsutawney Phil, Predicts Spring Weather by Eating Pierogies
Courtesy John Niedzialek

He took over for Concord Abby in 2014.

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Vince Grzegorek

Vince Grzegorek has been with Scene since 2007 and editor-in-chief since 2012. He previously worked at Discount Drug Mart and Texas Roadhouse.
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