Best THC Detox That Works [2023] Top THC Detoxification Products & Methods

When push comes to shove, having a THC-free drug test is crucial to one's job survival. Although most states legalize recreational marijuana, some organizations still require their staff to undergo and pass a drug test to get and keep their job. It puts a damper on occasion for most people, especially those who use THC as pain relief or energy boost.

Companies use drug tests to ensure staff safety while doing heavy lifting jobs, amongst other things. It helps them attest to the worker's state of mind to avoid potential lawsuits regarding loss of life if an accident should happen. As a result, organizations take drug tests very seriously, with no room for failure.

So, if you're a regular THC consumer and you have an impending drug test with no solution in sight, don't panic yet. That is where THC detoxing comes in. The best THC detox products really will support and amplify your body's natural detoxification process and removes traces of THC in the body. And there is really no better options for trying to naturally pass a drug test than to go with the leading brands and companies in the industry, that being Pass Your Test and TestClear.

If you're here, then you know it's in your best interest to promptly purge your body of THC before you participate in drug tests. But how can you be sure of the effect of any THC detox product? No worries. We're here to support your THC detox search with a list of credible THC products.

The Best THC Detox Products in 2022

After careful analysis, here are the best THC detox products and supplements you can have in 2022 in order of ranking:

  • PassYourTest Homepage: THC Detox Guide
  • PassYourTest Same Day Cleansers: THC Detox Guide
  • PassYourTest Perm Cleansers: THC Detox Guide
  • TestClear 5-Day Detox: THC Detox Guide
  • TestClear Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo: THC Detox Guide
  • TestClear Mega Clean Detox Drink: THC Detox Guide
  • TestClear Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash: THC Detox Guide
  • TestClear XXtra Clean Cleansing Drink: THC Detox Guide
  • TestClear Toxin Rid 7-Day Pills: THC Detox Guide
  • TestClear Urine Simulation Powdered Urine Kit: THC Detox Guide

PassYourTest Homepage


PassYourTest is famous and one of the biggest THC detox brands you can patronize. They've been around since 2000, and prominent magazines like Leafly, Merry Jane, Vice, High Times, and many more have done a feature on them.

These are magazines that recreational marijuana consumers use in sourcing products, and they praise PassYourTest's effectiveness. A popular remedy from this brand is the 5-Day Extreme Detoxification Program.

With this program, users ingest pills, formulas, and a meal plan geared towards removing enough THC from the body in a week to pass a drug test. Additionally, you can buy PassYourTest capsules and powders separately for short-term

PassYourTest Same Day Cleanser

If you're caught unawares with a drug test announcement at your workplace, the PassYourTest Same Day Cleanser will help you scale the test. The product contains vitamins, minerals, and herbs that are proven to release toxins from your body instantaneously by encouraging you to pee and acting as a diuretic.

PassYourTest Same Day Cleanser has a Fail-Safe Kit ($90) which works in 90 minutes to purge THC from the body. It's a natural supportive cleanser to ward off drug test failure. Also available for purchase from PassYourTest are Clean Shots, Clean Caps, and other fast-acting THC body cleanser formulas.

PassYourTest Same Day Cleanser

The options provided by PassYourTest detox kits can help users get rid of THC from their bodies. The options include two home test kits which you're to use in verifying the absence of THC in your body. Two of the brand's popular cleansers are the 5-Day Extreme Detoxification Program and the 10-Day Ultra Detoxification Program.

Ensure to follow the instructions and protocols to the latter for better results. Also, the THC detoxing kit's response time is immediate. So, if your drug test is in 5 or 10 days, PassYourTest Permanent Cleansers are among your best options.

TestClear 5-Day Detox

In terms of competition, the TestClear 5-Day Detox product is a strong contender for PassYourTest's cleanser. The brand sets up a rigorous five-day detox protocol that ensures you're THC-free at the end of the program.

The program is broken into three parts, a pre-rid tablet, a dietary fiber, and a liquid detox supplement. If you're a heavy cannabis user, the brand designed the THC cleanser to drive away heavy toxins from the body.

They use a blend of rich minerals, herbs, and vitamins to enable that. On the plus side, it starts working within one hour after consumption. So, if you want to pass an imminent blood, urine, or saliva drug test, go for this THC detox.

TestClear Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo

If you're new to drug tests, be aware some drug tests involve your hair. A bit of your hair is chopped off and tested for the presence of THC because people's hair retains THC longer than blood, urine, or saliva.

Hair samples can reveal THC up to 90 days after consumption. So, if your workplace decides to conduct the drug test using hair samples, you will fail your drug test regardless of you taking THC detoxing kit. Nonetheless, TestClear Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo provides a tested solution.

It contains aloe vera and other healthy ingredients for the hair that washes off THC remnants. A bottle costs $236, and it penetrates deep into the scalp without requiring any particular unique application. Simply apply the shampoo and wash it off like any other regular shampoo.

Ensure to apply it religiously 3-10 days before your drug test, and you can also use it with conditioners to treat your hair. It's a proven remedy to get rid of THC in hair, with many positive reviews online.

TestClear Mega Clean Detox Drink

TestClear Mega Clean Detox Drink consistently top reviews of the best THC detox products in the market. It contains proven ingredients

and is affordable, which is a steal considering the number of incredible benefits it affords users. The product replenishes lost minerals and vitamins, and it's available in a tropical fruity or wildberry flavor.

The flavor is super tasty, so you don't have to worry about consuming bitter substances. A liter of the flavor you choose will minimize the toxin level in your body within one hour. The maximum effects start three hours after consumption and last for about five hours. If your drug test is within 24 hours, purchase and consume the detox drink.

TestClear Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash

TestClear Toxin Rid Detox Mouthwash design is to aid people in passing a saliva-based drug test. It's a highly effective mode of passing saliva THC tests with tons of positive reviews online. Simply rinse and swish the mouthwash around your mouth, and it will sanitize your mouth, creating a four-hour toxin-free zone.

It's best to have it before your drug test due to the four-hour toxin-free window. It will improve your chances of winning the drug test. Also, the bottle contains 1 oz of liquid, and it comes in a small container. It makes it easy to hide or discard after consumption before your drug test.

TestClear XXtra Clean Cleansing Drink

When all options fail in the days leading to your drug test, TestClear XXtra Clean Cleansing Drink is a detoxification beverage you can use. It's designed to help cleanse THC users within a short timeframe. It contains magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium, selenium, manganese, and many other vitamins and minerals.

The liquid size is 20oz which is enough to boost your body's natural detoxification processes. Further, it comes in different tropical flavors with vitamins and minerals to give users different experiences. The drink retails for $39.95.

TestClear Toxin Rid 7-Day Pills

TestClear Toxin Rid 7-Day Pills completely obliterate THC accumulation in one's body within one week after consumption. The product's beauty is that it removes all toxins in the body, not just THC. It's also for users who consume recreational marijuana at a very high rate with heavy THC accumulation in their bodies.

You will have to implement three detoxification processes, pre-rid tablets, dietary fiber, and liquid detox. The pre-rid tablets are 103 in number. Dietary fiber is 1.5 oz (40ml), while liquid detox is 1.3 (30ml) and it cost $154. Follow the instructions on the pack regarding consumption and dosage for effective results.

Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink

Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink, like the name suggests, rescues you from impending THC drug test failure within an hour of drinking the beverage. Its best feature is that it contains a potent formula that accommodates all body sizes. Users over 200lbs can drink the liquid, and it will cleanse their bodies of THC.

The formula has two flavors, cranberry and fruity apple flavor. In addition, you can drink it a few minutes before your drug test for maximum effect. It puts you in the clear for 5 hours, during which you must have concluded your drug test. The total cost of the drink is $55.


Macujo allows users to pass all three types of drug tests, including saliva, hair, and urine tests. The brand is created by Mike Macujo, a knowledgeable professional at passing drug tests. Furthermore, they offer various products that aid users scale through drug tests, from detox shampoo to pills, powders, drinks, etc.

The brand has over 20 years of experience in industrial research, which is evident in the quality of its product. You need several ingredients at home to use together with the brand's drug test solution.

These ingredients include baking soda, laundry detergent, facial cleanser, and vinegar, among other products. The brand leaves detailed instructions on product usage, so follow them judiciously, and you will scale your drug test.

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine offers a unique solution to help THC users pass drug tests. You can purchase the synthetic urine and submit it in the placement of your urine. There are few synthetic urine brands online because the production requires many technicalities to ensure it passes muster.

The brand is a legitimate distributor of synthetic urine, and it contains urea, which masks the urine during drug tests. Quick Fix Synthetic Urine's packaging comes with a disposable heat pad, which raises the urine temperature to a natural and believable number. Follow the brand's usage instructions to deliver a urine sample that would pass as yours during a drug test. Their product packages range from $35 to $200.

TestClear Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit

TestClear Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit stands out on its own by offering powdered synthetic urine samples for drug tests. It's the only apparent difference between the product and Quick Fix Synthetic Urine. The powdered synthetic urine sample contains uric acid and other chemicals that make your urine appear legitimate.

It's also more efficient and travel-ready. You won't have to worry about spillage in transit. Just dissolve the powdered urine with room temperature water at the venue. Stick the heater on the vial opposite the test strip, and wait for it to indicate the correct temperature before submitting.

How We Ranked The Best THC Detox Products

All brands that manufacture THC detox supplements claim to have the best product. But our experience has taught us no two products are the same, and we know firsthand the market for THC detox supplements abounds with fake products. So, to sieve out the worst THC supplement, we used the following criteria.

Test Passing Score

We reviewed and tested the THC detox products using drug test kits to ensure users would pass their test after usage. The most effective products that passed more tests earned a high ranking in our review.

Science-Backed Ingredients

Evidence to support herbal remedies in reducing THC in the body is limited. We sought well-researched THC detox products that use ingredients like vitamin B2, vitamin B3, zinc, and antioxidant-rich fruit juices.

Honest Advertised Benefits

As earlier mentioned, all THC detox product qualities are not the same. Some brands exaggerate their product effectiveness and engage in deceptive marketing to push the product to consumers. To that end, we sought ethical brands in their advertising to avoid misleading consumers.

Manufacturer Reputation & Transparency

We sought reputable manufacturers that were upfront about the quality of their products to limit consumers' exposure to fake THC detox products. We also chose manufacturers with a track record of producing authentic products. This way, we are secure in the knowledge users will reap good benefits from the product.

Customer Reviews, Testimonials, and Success Stories

Though we tested the products, we read reviews to ensure our list is as forthright and accurate as possible. This is because customers aren't shy about their reviews when the product does not satisfy them. So, we used their opinions to rank products on our list.

Fast, Easy, and Affordable Shipping Options

Nothing dampens the mood faster than an impending drug test disaster and delayed shipping. We sought brands with an easy and fast shipping method to allow people to have as much time as possible to prepare before the actual test. Most of the brands ranking high on our list offer free shipping with other perks.

Ease of Use

Most people drink four gallons of water every day to purge THC before a drug test. However, it's not feasible for everyone because people have different psychological make-up and body size. So, we sought products that users wouldn't find difficult to use to not add to their worries over the coming drug test.

Moneyback or Pass Test Guarantee

Most brands offer refunds for products that don't satisfy users or help with positive test results. Knowing they can retain ineffective products helps users make buying decisions because they know they can test them without charge.

How Long Does Cannabis Stay in Your System?

Consumer body parts retain THC in different ways. Some traces can be found in the body three months after consumption, while it stays for days in another part of the body.

  • Hair: 90 days
  • Urine: 3 to 30 days or more, depending on usage
  • Saliva: 48 hours
  • Blood: 36 hours
  • Sweat: 7 to 14 days

Usually, workplaces conduct drug tests on their staff using blood or saliva. So, if you consumed cannabis within 36 hours or 48 hours before the drug test, it would appear on the test. Further, THC stays in the body depending on how much you consume. If you ingest a tremendous amount of THC, you're likely to find traces of it in your system months after consumption.

What Remains in the System After Using Cannabis?

After consuming marijuana, it introduces cannabinoids that circulate through your body via your bloodstream. Researchers identified dozens of different cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, which you ingest when you consume cannabis.

CBD and THC are two well-known cannabinoids in cannabis plants. CBD won't get you high, and it's used in making different products that relax users and tackles their stress. In contrast, THC would get you high, although the highness is short-lived.

The cannabinoids remain in your system after the highness dissipates for an extended period. Your body absorbs THC and other cannabinoids in its fatty tissue because the compounds are fat-soluble.

Side Effects of Cannabis Detox and Withdrawal

It's possible to experience withdrawal symptoms from using cannabis. Some common side effects are insomnia, headaches, and stress increment. Some people experience anxiety in social situations and get angry quickly.

Here are other common side effects of cannabis and THC detox include:

  • Loss of focus or concentration
  • Vivid dreams or nightmares
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Stress
  • Anger and irritability
  • Unstable emotions and mood swings, including everything from rage to euphoria
  • Appetite loss
  • Tremors or shakiness

Depending on your THC usage, you might experience some of these symptoms for a few days. Regular cannabis smokers will have a prolonged withdrawal effect that might last months.

Natural Remedies for THC Withdrawal

Here are some of the best tips to handle THC withdrawal:

  • Reduce the amount of fatty food you consume
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Exercise
  • Reduce or eliminate caffeine
  • Take a warm bath

How Do Drug Tests Work?

Before purchasing the THC detox product, determine which drug test format the technicians will use for the drug test between blood, saliva, urine, hair, etc. It will help direct you to the right THC detox product. The most common and inexpensive test is the urine drug test. It's easy and effective in fishing out THC in the body.

With it, you can tell if someone has used cannabis within the last three months. In contrast, hair, blood, and saliva require practical measurement tools. Further, when a lab technician performs a drug test, he looks for THC-COOH, a metabolite that the body naturally produces as it processes THC, which is how THC is detected.

How Do THC Detox Products Work?

THC detox products aid users in removing traces of cannabis from their bodies to turn the tides in their favor during a drug test. However, the likelihood of the THC detox kit working is slim due to numerous fake products. Also, factors like the THC amount the user consumes regularly and the consumer's body physiology hinders its effect.

Some THC detox products flush out the kidneys, making urine gather contaminants like cretins. The cretins allow one to pass urine tests, and they can also indicate that the urine isn't suitable for a pass. An unsuitable result pushes the organization to retake the drug test. However, this will buy you time to correctly purge THC from your system.

Manufacturers incorporate natural ingredients while making THC detox kits which help cleanse the compound from the body. Some elements you can find in THC detox kits are:

  • Dandelion Leaf: Dandelion roots are famous for supporting the body and pushing the release of contaminants through urine. It's a popular traditional cleansing compound.
  • Rhubarb Root: The root of rhubarb reduces inflammations in the bladder and releases cannabis compounds in the body.
  • Burdock Root: Burdock root helps cleanse the blood and remove toxins from the body. It has a rich history in traditional medicine.
  • Goldenseal Root: Although this ingredient is not as well known as the other ingredients above, it is pretty practical as a detoxifying cleanser.

There are varieties of THC detox options to choose from, and they all serve different purposes. Some people prefer taking THC detox drinks because the drinks have good flavors and taste good. Furthermore, THC detox shampoos take away chances of lab technicians finding THC on your hair.

It's rare for employees to want to use hair samples for drug tests, but then the hair retains THC for up to three months. People who have not used THC within this timeframe would test clean with no difficulty.

But if unsure, use the shampoo every day before the drug test, and it will get rid of the THC remnants in your hair. The best THC shampoo will also remove other toxins and pollutants in the hair. So, choose from the ones mentioned above if you're unsure which brand to go for.

A favored option employees use in detecting THC is through saliva. However, saliva tests are not concrete proof of seeing THC because cannabis tends to leave the mouth 72 hours after consumption. But to ensure you pass the test, use THC mouthwash to remove any remnant from the mouth 30 minutes before the test.

Swish the mouthwash around your mouth to get every angle and increase your chances of negative results. Also, you can purchase synthetic urine to submit in the place of your urine or mix urine powder with warm water to turn it into usable urine. This can serve as a last-minute decision if all other options fail.

The synthetic urine comes with a heating pad with which you can tune the urine to a suitable urine temperature before submission. An excellent way to pass drug tests is to embark on a 7-day cleanse. Your body will purge THC faster if you combine the seven-day detox and THC detox formula.

Scientific Evidence for THC Detox Products

THC detox products are not new, but researchers are still relatively dark about them. Interest in THC became more evident with the legalization of hemp plant products, and to date, researchers are still trying to understand the compound.

Realistically, forgoing THC is the best way to pass a drug test without worries. However, a study shows abstaining is not a guaranteed solution because individuals exposed to secondhand marijuana could test positive for the substance.

The study put together smokers and non-smokers in an airtight room for an hour, after which the non-smokers tested positive for THC. It's incredulous considering the non-smokers didn't participate in the smoking. Furthermore, the sensitivity of drug tests can make one test positive for opioids after consuming a poppy seed bagel.

Another viable way of releasing THC from the body is through exercise. Rigorous exercising burns fat in the body, and since THC is stored in fats, exercising dislodges it, allowing the body to erase it via urine or sweat.

It's not without its disadvantage; however, exercising within 24 hours of the test could cause THC to spread without leaving your body. It increases your chance of testing positive for THC. This is confirmed via a 2013 study that shows exercise could increase blood plasma THC concentrations by 15%.

Drinking an ample water supply is another way of purging THC from your body. Water dilutes the urine and makes people go to the bathroom multiple times daily. Cynics of THC detox products say the products work because you must drink a large amount of water.

So, by drinking a gallon of water every day, you increase your chances of passing a drug test. Also, users can pass drug tests legitimately by consuming water, electrolyte powder, and vitamin B2. It would help if you drank a lot of this combination to ensure the negative results.

Test your urine before the test to ensure the combination works. The THC might not disappear all at once, so keep drinking the combo and conducting personal drug tests. The THC percentage gradually reduces until your system expunges it completely.

Synthetic urine is another option you should consider for a drug test. A study conducted in 2019 shows synthetic urine will serve during drug tests. The researchers brought in a group of military drug testers and distributed fake and authentic urine samples to them. They identified five of the eight synthetic samples when they physically examined them.

The samples, however, were negative when tested using drug test kits. So, synthetic urine is a good alternative for passing a drug test, provided the testers do not conduct a physical examination of the urine.

Additionally, many cannabis lovers recommend niacin flushes to beat a urine drug test. Niacin is a form of vitamin B3 that helps keep your nervous system, digestive system, and skin healthy. It has rave reviews online, but there's no scientific evidence to support it as a good way of beating a urine drug test. Researchers, however, discovered that niacin flushes could lead to niacin toxicity.

Other traditional remedies for passing a drug test include:


Some people drink coffee to expunge THC because coffee is diuretic and increases the frequency of urination. Furthermore, coffee contains natural antioxidants that can improve the chances of detoxing. There's some evidence that combining water with electrolytes can cleanse your body from multiple angles, helping you pass the drug test.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Plenty of unscientific reports say apple cider vinegar improves the chances of passing a drug test. Apple cider vinegar, like all vinegar, has natural antimicrobial properties that speed up metabolism, helping the body expunge THC. However, apple cider vinegar does not taste good and has enough acid to damage your mouth.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is known for its detoxing abilities and health benefits for the urinary tract. It has become a go-to for users that seek natural remedies to expunge THC and pass drug tests. Unlike apple cider vinegar, cranberry juice tastes good. You can consume it by mixing the juice with water to help remove toxins from your kidneys, lymphatic system, intestines, and other organs within seven days. Furthermore, it's a natural diuretic like coffee and would make you urinate frequently.


Many people use lemon juice to support detoxification. They mix it with water and drink the combination every day.

Other Remedies

The internet is filled with numerous other traditional THC detox solutions, including cinnamon, honey, ground ginger, cayenne pepper, etc. People also suggest eating certain foods to cleanse THC, such as garlic, broccoli, grapefruit, and mung beans. While there's little evidence that these ingredients remove THC from your body, they may support your body's natural detoxification processes and overall health.

FAQs About THC Detox

People ask our experts numerous questions regarding THC detox products and how they work. To help make things easier, here are solutions to the most frequent questions we receive.

Q: Will I get a THC withdrawal?

A: Smoking marijuana causes physical and psychological side effects, and also, some people experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop smoking marijuana. Your body gets used to THC if you smoke regularly, and detaching will cause your body to shut down as it's not getting its regular dose of THC. However, unlike other substances, the withdrawal symptoms won't have you going crazy.

Q: What are the symptoms of THC withdrawal?

A: First, the cravings to use marijuana don't stop after detaching. You will keep wanting to get high, and it's left to you to restrain yourself and see yourself through the process.

Some of the symptoms you will experience include bad moods, headaches, sleep irregularities, and stomach pains. Also, you will notice that your appetite decreases, you sweat excessively, and you may go through depression, shakiness, and anxiety.

Q: What's the most common symptom of THC withdrawal?

A: Withdrawal symptoms vary between individuals, and you won't experience all the symptoms at once. You might experience one or two at a time and different symptoms on other days. But, insomnia is a common THC withdrawal symptom.

Q: How long does cannabis stay in the system?

A: Cannabis stays in the system from 24 hours to three months, depending on your consumption habit. THC can remain in your hair for a more extended period, and your physiology determines how long THC stays in the body.

Q: How does the body excrete THC?

A: Your body burns out THC, processing and releasing it into your bloodstream. You then excrete it through urine, sweat, feces, saliva, and hair follicles. 65% of THC passes through feces, while 15% to 30% leave your body through sweat and urine. The rest departs your body through saliva, or the THC lingers in your hair follicles.

Q: How fast do THC detox pills work?

A: Some brands create THC detox products that work within 2 to 6 hours after consumption to aid you in passing an immediate drug test. But most THC detox takes between 3 to 10 days to cleanse the body thoroughly. It slowly builds momentum within the body to ensure it gets all THC.

Q: How do I speed up weed detox?

A: To speed up the detoxing process, drink a lot of water, and combine it with natural remedies like lemon. Also, exercise to burn THC from your fats and take detox supplements.

Q: What is the best detox for THC?

A: PassYourTest, TestClear, and Rescue Cleanse are some of the best THC detox products.

Q: How does THC detox mouthwash work?

A: Pour THC mouthwash into your mouth and swish it around. It cleanses your mouth and saliva of THC and other contaminants. Your chances of passing your drug test improve if you use the mouthwash minutes before the drug test.

Q: What's the best THC detox method?

A: Combining electrolytes, water, and exercise is an excellent THC detox formula that works to cleanse the body.

Q: What are the best home remedies for passing a drug test?

A: If you want to detox THC naturally, frequently exercise, drink lots of water, and observe combos like water and electrolytes daily. Some people suggest using cayenne pepper, lemon, and other natural home remedies, but there's little evidence to back the formula.

Q: Is THC detox dangerous at home?

A: Detoxifying at home will not cause you harm, nor are there any significant side effects. You can go ahead with the therapy but be aware that you might trigger health risks to the brain if you force stop marijuana dependency.

Q: How does synthetic urine work for drug tests?

A: Synthetic urine can be a last-minute decision if you cannot erase THC from your system in time for the drug test. It's made in a lab and can be warmed with a heating pad to arrive at urine temperature. Simply place the synthetic urine in a container and present it to the tester as yours.

Q: Does a niacin flush beat a drug test?

A: People swear by niacin flushes, advertising it as an easy way to beat a drug test. However, it's unreliable because there's no evidence to support it other than individual experiences.

Q: What are the best THC detox pills?

A: Some of the best detox pills you can have are PassYourTest and TestClear detox pills. They use proven ingredients to speed up the detoxification process.

Q: Is cranberry juice good for THC detox?

A: Cranberry juice has natural antioxidant content to support your body's detoxification process. However, there's a chance it won't work because it's not scientifically proven, and drug tests are necessary enough not to rely on luck. Conduct home drug tests to ensure the THC reduces or try other alternatives if the THC isn't decreasing.

Q: Is apple cider vinegar good for THC detox?

A: Some people have successfully used apple cider vinegar to reduce THC in the body. However, its taste is bitter and has acidic contents, which some people might not appreciate.

Q: What should I do if I don't have time for a THC detox?

A: Don't panic if there's not enough time to detox THC from your system. If you're not a regular smoker, there's the likelihood you do not have THC in you. So, pre-test yourself using THC home drug test kits to know if you have THC in your system. There are different THC detox products to choose from if you have remnants.

Some work within 2 hours, and some take 3 to 7 days. Determine the day of the drug test and choose the right THC detox product. Take a lot of water to aid the cleansing and if all else fails, use synthetic urine as a stand-in.

Q: Is it legal to fake a drug test?

A: The laws around drug tests are confusing. It's not illegal to cheat during a drug test, but it's unlawful to possess a device designed to cheat during a drug test. It's illegal to manufacture devices to aid drug test cheating to complicate the matter further.

Q: Does alcohol help pass a THC drug test?

A: Do not drink alcohol to expunge THC from your system. It will do the opposite of what you hope for by boosting the THC level in your body. Research shows the THC level of people who smoke while drinking is high. Further, there's no evidence that alcohol will decrease your THC level. It's best to avoid it altogether.

Q: Does exercising help me pass a drug test?

A: Yes, your chances of passing a drug test increase when you exercise because you burn fats in your body, and THC tends to lodge in body fats. However, do not exercise for at least a day before a drug test. You decrease your chances of passing the test because the THC lodged in your fats are released with minimal time to erase them out of your system.

Q: Are home drug tests accurate?

A: Yes, home drug tests are 99% accurate. So go for them to help you determine if you have THC in your system before a drug test.

The Best THC Detox Products in 2022 Final Word

Passing a drug test is essential to keeping a job or proceeding with an application. So, figure out a way to scale through if you're a frequent marijuana smoker. Fortunately, you don't have to resort to extreme measures to successfully remove THC from your system.

Purchase the right THC detox product, and within a few days or hours, the THC will clear off your system. Follow the instructions given above on how to know good products and what you shouldn't do before testing for THC. Further, if you need products that will aid you efficiently, choose from the best THC detox products above.

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