Chudzinski! ...And Other Things We're Reading This Morning: Jan. 11

- The BIG NEWS today, clearly, is that the Browns hired Carolina Panthers offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinksi as the new head coach. So the absolute cream of the local sporting press are thrusting their wood all over town and alternately ranting and shedding tears of joy, because the BIG NEWS has arrived and it's time to cover it! At the very least, the announcement puts to rest the era of local sportswriters bobbling every non-lead they could come up with during the "search" for a new head coach. strains to ask: "Where were you when you heard the news that the Browns hired Rob Chudzinski as their head coach and what did you think?"

- Via Cleveland Heights Patch: Remember the uppercutting RTA bus driver? Of course you do. The bus driver union will bring in an arbitrator to confer a binding decision on the matter. Artis Hughes, the driver in question, was fired Nov. 6.

- Here's the Akron Beacon Journal's Marla Ridenour with the low-down on Bernie Kosar's ongoing treatments for the chronic head trauma he's been experiencing for more than a decade. ...Head trauma caused by concussions sustained in the NFL - not necessarily from that bottle of Jim Beam he's likely working on right now.

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Eric Sandy

Eric Sandy is an award-winning Cleveland-based journalist. For a while, he was the managing editor of Scene. He now contributes jam band features every now and then.
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